DriverPack Solution Lite 13.0
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DriverPack Solution Lite 13.0

Free Driver manager for Windows-based PCs
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Latest version:
13.0 See all
Kuzyakov Artur
1 / 4
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Scabs the drivers installed on your operating system, identifies the missing ones or the ones that were wrongfully installed and fixes those issues.

Drivers are a very important aspect of your computer as they ensure the proper communication between your system and connected hardware devices. Corrupted, outdated or unidentified drivers can cause a lot of issues.

DriverPack Solution is a handy tool meant to take care of such problems. It has been created to fix unidentified devices by detecting them and downloading proper drivers that allow you to employ these devices as they should. Or at least that’s what the full version of the program does. I’m saying this because I was able to use the Lite version of this application just to create a backup of the existing drivers and to check various system information. This Lite version didn’t detect any driver issues as access to the drivers' database or any diagnostic tools were not supported.

Though it allows switching between “simple” and expert modes, the interface still looks pretty intricate and confusing to my taste. I’m sure that a neat and simple “wizard” that guides users step by step through the driver mending process would have been really handy.

The good thing is that this “Lite” edition of DriverPack Solution is completely free, so you can give it a try for yourself and see if it fits your needs and preferences. Because of its lack of actual functionality, I find it hard to form a proper opinion about it, even harder for a positive one.

MS Senior editor
Margie Smeer
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Review summary


  • Free
  • Can backup the drivers to a single file
  • Detects and displays various system information


  • The app felt rather unstable on my system, as a lot of error popups were shown, for unknown reasons
  • The too many licensing restrictions make this "Lite" version a lot less useful than other similar tools
  • The interface could use a lot of tweaking and improvements

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I've always dreamed to have a program which could take care of all my installed drivers and also could update them to the latest versions on time. Finally, I've been succeeded to find DriverPack Solution, and I am so happy now! Smile

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